Monday, December 30, 2019
When Is Work For Rule Effective Essay - 2359 Words
1. When is work to rule effective? Work-to-rule is an industrial action where employees purposely follow all the rules in order to delay the progress of work and when workers perform their tasks exactly as they are required to do by their employment contract. Work to rule involves employees following the strict terms of their contract, by taking their work responsibilities exactly by contract and they refuse to step outside their duties. When employees execute work to rule, operations within the organization becomes slow which decreases productivity. Work to rule is most effective when employees continue to apply themselves in the performance of all their duties in a most thorough and meticulous manner as prescribed by the relevant employing authorities. For example, employees are given a contract where their tasks and duties are enlisted. You the employee may have been motivated to work because of who you are so you work overtime or perhaps do tasks that you’re not required to do. But because of a difficult or unreasonable supervisor who keeps pressuring you to work overtime or do something that you aren’t comfortable with, you (the employee) can apply the work to rule to get your point across. Being that work to rule would be used as a method of influencing negotiations without going on strike. What employees do is cover just their duties but do nothing on their own ingenuity Work to rule is also effective when workers do this collectively, being that it is a call forShow MoreRelatedThe Key Objective Of A Great Facilitator860 Words  | 4 Pagesthat make the group the most effective and efficient unit possible. However, this is not always the case. Building a team that flourishes in any situation can be a daunting endeavor. Many individuals unknowingly lack the skills necessary to be a great facilitator. Roger Schwarz (2002), has created nine ground rules for honing a more effective group. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019
Pet Adoption And Depression ( Cherney ) - 1531 Words
Pet Adoption and Depression Approximately 20.9 million adults in the United States are currently coping with depression or a mood or anxiety disorder, and this number is seemingly on the rise (Mental Disorders In America). It is becoming more and more likely for people in the United States to be diagnosed with depression or anxiety. However, this number only accounts for the number of individuals who choose to seek professional help or medical treatment, because many people are not even aware that they could be depressed. Most of the patients that are being treated are using a variety of different techniques and medicines to enhance their mood. Some of the most popular antidepressant medications that doctors are currently prescribing are†¦show more content†¦Simply petting a dog can noticeably lower an individual’s heart rate and blood pressure. Some studies even show that pet owners have slightly lower cholesterol than their peers who do not live with pets (Benjamin). Dogs’ positive infl uences on their owners’ health goes even deeper yet. Even though it seems absolutely irrational, there is evidence and studies that link dogs with detecting cancer. There are many reports of dog owners who claimed that their canine friends continuously licked or sniffed moles and lumps on their bodies that were found to be cancerous. As impossible as it seems, there is actual scientific evidence that states some dogs can smell cancer in the human body (Benjamin). While cancer is definitely terrible to find, early detection can make all the difference, and having a dog can be that difference. Not only can dogs cause their owners to be more active, but they can also save their lives. It is no secret that dogs long ago earned their label as â€Å"man’s best friend†. It only makes sense, considering that dogs have been owned by humans since ancient times. Pets are obviously great companions for just about anyone. However, for someone suffering from depression, anxiety, or another mood disorder, the companionship of a pet can be the only thing giving them happiness. Dogs are perfect for shy people who still seek
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Asses the View That Pressure Groups Benefit Democracy Free Essays
Pressure groups have many features about them that determine whether they are democratic or undemocratic. If we have to determine whether Pressure Groups benefit democracy or not, we have to know what part they play in our society. As we know, pluralists have a very positive view on pressure group politics; believing that they promote healthy debate and discussion. We will write a custom essay sample on Asses the View That Pressure Groups Benefit Democracy or any similar topic only for you Order Now This is true in some aspects of society and our democracy, but pressure groups also have many undemocratic features about them. Firstly, the most important democratic feature of pressure groups is their way of representing the people in our society. Their main function is to represent our interests and those who are of minority, making sure that their voice gets heard, whether we take an active part or not. To demonstrate how representative they really are, in virtually all our activities, there is probably a group which is seeking to secure favourable legislation or decisions and to avoid unfavourable ones. However, some pressure group leaders may not truly represent their members. Trade union leaders were charged with this and it remains a danger. Furthermore, party politicians are made accountable for their actions through the electoral process and through representative institutions; which is seen as vey democratic. Pressure Group leaders are not accountable, which means that if they don’t fulfil their representative aims we can’t do anything about it which conveys that pressure groups are undemocratic. However, pressure groups are seen as very democratic when it comes to participation, and how they are making many more people partake in politics, and make politics more aware to people. A passive citizenship is often seen as an extreme danger to democracy; many people do not involve themselves in political activity; producing the strong probability that the government will become dictatorial, safe in that they know that they’re power will probably not get challenged. Pressure groups are therefore important because firstly they prevent excessive accumulations of power and to ensure that government remains accountable to the people. It is known that especially young people enjoy taking part in demonstrations which is evidence for pressure groups trying to get people more politically aware as active. However, pressure groups are queried as undemocratic; due to their disproportionate influence. Some pressure groups do not conform to democratic principles around the nature of influence. If all groups enjoyed the amount of influence which their size and importance warranted, the outcome might be considered democratic however, some groups wield more power that their relative importance. For example, the farming community accounts for a tiny proportion of the total population but farms are responsible for much of our food supply. Finally, pressure groups most important democratic feature is the fact that they make sure all of us, in small or large groups, are taken account of, awarded an equal status, and protected. If this does not work, we will simply be ruled by the majority, which ultimately means that nothing would change. Majority rule also, is not a true democracy. Seeking majority support, political parties will inevitably have to ignore the interests of many minorities. Pressure groups therefore play a very vital part in ensuring that party rule is not converted into tyranny and minority groups are heard. Another undemocratic factor however that can balance how democratic pressure groups really is their size and finance. It is clear that some pressure groups are considerably more wealthy than others, having an unfair advantage. Everyone from sectional interests inevitably gain funds whereas charities have to get their funds from the public. It is seen as undemocratic, because with particular wealthy groups, they have adopted the practice of donating money to political parties in order to seek a sympathetic government. An example of this is the event â€Å"cash for peerages†where it was alleged that money was being donated in return for peerages. Furthermore pressure groups size is seen as a very undemocratic factor because even though some pressure groups have a sheer amount of numbers to go on to protest, it does not always reflect the public opinion. For example, The ban on hunting with dogs for example, 300,000 took to the streets and put the government into panic. However, the majority of those people wanted a full ban on fox hunting. In conclusion, weighing up the democratic and undemocratic features, overall, pressure groups do benefit democracy. Firstly they promote healthy debate and discussion. Pressure groups have made many more people politically aware and have increased the amount of political participation through demonstrations, protest, marches and even petitions. They may even be the reason for the increase of election turnout in 2010 elections due to them making people more politically aware. Another way that pressure groups benefit democracy is their role of representation towards minorities as well as everyone in our society. Even though pressure groups do have some aspects to them that are seen as very undemocratic, pressure group politics is a very healthy way of strengthening our government. How to cite Asses the View That Pressure Groups Benefit Democracy, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Manual Handling in the Health Care Sector free essay sample
This assignment seeks to discuss three key themes in relation to Manual handling in the health care sector and will describe the literature which supports this. This topic has been chosen as the handling of patients plays an important role in Health and Social care. NHS, (2010, p. 3) states that Manual handling is a core competency for staff caring for patients. This assignment will look at the importance of training that is required to ensure competent and safe use of equipment and the moving and handling of patients. Secondly this assignment will go on to describe how poor manual handling can affect Patients. There are many problems that can arise from incorrect manual handling, therefore this assignment will focus on the risk of pressure ulcers and will also describe what staff can do to help minimise this risk. Finally, this assignment will then look at how poor manual handling can affect staff, particularly concentrating on the risk of back injury and how Healthcare professionals can reduce this risk. There are many types of equipment used to assist patients in moving and it is crucial that staff receive the correct training and that they are aware of the equipment that is available.It is important that staff feel confident and competent when using equipment to ensure the safety of themselves and the Patient. If the incorrect manual handling techniques are performed this could lead to injury to the patient and carer and could result in patient discomfort and development of pressure ulcers, as well as back problems for the carer. The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence, (NICE, 2003) states that training in pressure ulcer prevention should be given to all health care professionals.Training should involve the correct use of pressure relieving aids, knowledge of positioning to minimise risk and also have a clear understanding of the risks involved (NICE, 2003). Staff working for the NHS should have available access to a back care advisor (BCA), or a manual handling expert, who should arrange training where necessary (NHS, 2O1O). It is also imperative for staff to be up to date with current regulations so that the carer has a clear understanding of the implications of manual handling (Kozier et al. 2008).The Manual Handling Operations Regulations (1992) emphasises that manual handling should be avoided wherever possible to do so. It is important that manual handling should be avoided where there is a risk of injury to the Patient or the Carer. If this cannot be avoided then a full ergonomic risk assessment must be completed by the employer (Manual Handling Operations Regulations, 1992). Knowledge of risk assessment is important so that employers are able to assess and reduce risks of manual handling. In 2007 the HSE carried out a report to find out what constitutes effective manual handling training.The results showed that there was evidence that the most effective form of manual handling was ergonomic interventions (HSE, 2007). Practical fundamentals in training were found to strengthen learning, particularly if adapted to personal needs. It was found, that in order for manual handling training to be effective, training needs to be an ongoing process and reinforced with regular refresher courses (HSE, 2007). However, it was found that principles learnt during training are not always applied in the workplace. Poor manual handling can have a negative impact on a patient both physically and mentally.Chell (2003), states that patients are at high risk of injury from incorrect handling techniques. The National Back Pain Association (1998) supports this statement by proposing that poor manual handling techniques can lead to patients suffering from shoulder displacement, damaged nerves and tissue injuries. It has been reported that despite these facts, many nurses continue to use poor manual handling techniques. This has been put down to staff shortages, poor supervision and short supply of handling equipment (Kozier et al. 2008).Action needs to be taken to ensure that staff have access to adequate equipment and supervision to ensure patient safety. In a survey carried out by the Nursing times, it was said that two thirds of Nurses believed that shortage of equipment compromises patient safety (Ford, 2010). One problem which may arise from incorrect lifting techniques is the development of pressure ulcers. Effective moving and handling has a great role to play in the prevention of pressure ulcers and this is why training is so important (Hall, 2001). Inappropriate moving and handling techniques may result in skin damage.Pressure ulcers can be caused by pressure, friction and shear (NICE, 2003). For example, if a patient is dragged rather than lifted when using a slide sheet, this could cause friction and could potentially lead to skin damage. Consequently this could result in the Patient having to stay in hospital longer which could impact on a Patients psychological state. Nursing interventions play an important part in the reduction of pressure ulcers. A nurse can help to reduce the risk of pressure ulcers by promoting activity, carrying out skin inspections and assessments, and by using pressure relieving devices (Lynn, 2005). Some patients may fear being dropped when moved using equipment (Rogers, 1999), thus it is important for the Nurse to communicate with the patient, this way the Nurse can explain how the equipment works and the patient can express any concerns that they may have. It is important to remember that not all patients like lifting equipment and may feel uncomfortable, anxious and find it undignified (Rogers, 1999). Nurses are subject to wear and tear injuries from manoeuvring patients and the biggest risk and cost to nurses is back injury (Rogers, et al. 999). The Department of Health, 2004 (cited in Kozier 2008, p. 227) estimated that one in four nurses take time off work due to back injury. It is reported that nurses have around 30 percent more days off per year due to back pain than any other profession; this costs the NHS over ? 50 million a year through absence (Rogers, et al. 1999). As well as the cost implications to the NHS, this can lead to low morale as the loss of one member of staff can impact on the work load of others, which can cause stress to remaining staff.As well as pain and discomfort through back injury, back injury can have an impact on the individual’s psychological state and can lead to low self esteem and even depression. Providing manual handling aids and training are very important factors in helping to reduce the risk of back injury. However it is equally important for nurses to use manual handling aids, according to White, 1997 (cited in Rogers, et al. 1999, p. 206) nurses state that they don’t use manual handling equipment due do the patients dislike of equipment. However in more recent literature it is stated that nurses don’t have access to adequate equipment to use in assisting patients with moving (Ford, 2010). Back injury is a very common occurrence in nursing, but there are many measures that an individual can take to reduce the risk of developing back pain; this can be achieved by maintaining a good level of physical fitness, exercising regularly and having an understanding of body mechanics is important as this can help prevent spinal damage.Psychological factors, such as stress can also influence injury as this can cause muscles to tense up, if a member of staff is feeling stressed it is important for them to talk about their problems, meditation and yoga can also be beneficial and is said to help reduce stress (Mental health foundation, 2010). Staff can also help to reduce long-term risk by attending training sessions and following manual handling policies.If a worker does not feel confident in using equipment, they can contac t a BCA within the NHS who can provide appropriate training and information (NHS, 2O1O). To conclude, this assignment has addressed a number of significant issues regarding manual handling. After reviewing the current literature supporting Manual handling it is apparent that back injury is the most common type of illness amongst nursing staff and is associated with a high level of sickness absence, as a result this costs the NHS a staggering 50 million per year. Training is proven to be beneficial, with research showing that ergonomic intervention is the most beneficial in helping to reduce manual handling injuries, thus it is important that risk assessments are enforced in the work place. It was found that poor training can have a big impact on both patient and carer, with patients being at a much higher risk of developing pressure ulcers and the carer being at a much higher risk of developing back injury. It was also found that a big reason for not using equipment aids was due to there not being an adequate supply.
Friday, November 29, 2019
Advantage of Water free essay sample
Despite the fact that water is something that has no taste, we still love it! Who doesn’t relish the feeling of a cool drink of water on a sweltering hot day? Approximately 70% of our body’s mass is made of water and according to a number of doctors, drinking a total of eight glasses of water a day fulfils the necessary requirement of this liquid our body demands. For a long time now, I have been searching regarding the benefits associated with water. Finally, after reviewing countless websites, I  have compiled a list, highlighting the advantages of drinking water that can surely help you in living a healthy life. So, here are the 11advantages of drinking water: 1) Water is the only liquid on Earth that safely reduces weight. It removes the by-products of fat and keeps you fresh and healthy. Drinking water regularly, suppresses your appetite to a great extent and limits your food  intake. We will write a custom essay sample on Advantage of Water or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Another distinct feature of water is that it literally contains no calories, hence, contributing significantly toweight loss 2) Do you want to look younger? Problem solved! Just drink lots of water every day! Water is a perfect replacement for your expensive ageing treatments. It moisturises your skin and keeps it fresh and glistening thereby enhancing its overall appeal. In addition, it helps maintain the elasticity and suppleness of the skin and prevents dryness by detoxifying the skin. Hence, one should strictly avoid dehydrating foods and beverages such as caffeine (cola, chocolate, coffee, tea) and alcohol 3) Drinking enough water can also combat skin disorders such as eczema, psoriasis, dry skin, wrinkles and spots 4) Water is an essential component required for the effective working of our body since body parts including our brain and the various tissues are mostly composed of water. Considering this, water can significantly improve our ability to think and make us energetic too. 5) Water removes toxins and most of the waste products from our body contributing to a healthy quality of life. If our body lacks water then our heart has to make an extra effort to pump fresh oxygenated blood to our organs causing severe health issues 6) A study conducted in the Loma Linda university in California, involving 20 men and woman in the age range of 38 to 100 years, concluded that those who drank enough water throughout the day were less likely to have a heart attack (41% in women and 54% in men). Hence, it can be suggested that if you substitute water with milk, tea, coffee or other beverages then you will have increased chances of incurring a heart attack, with a precise rate of 50% in women and 46% in men. 7)  Water helps to relieve headaches and back pain. Although there are many reasons that contribute to headaches, dehydration is one of the most common ones 8) Regular intake of water increases your metabolic rate and improves your digestive system. If you are constipated, try drinking more water it can work wonders! 9) Drinking plenty of water helps fight against the flu and other ailments like kidney stones. Water, along with lemon or lemon juice is often used to overcome respiratory diseases, intestinal problems, rheumatism and arthritis. On the whole, water plays a fundamental role in strengthening your immune system 10) Research suggests that drinking substantial amounts of water is likely to reduce the risks of bladder and colon cancer. This is because water has the ability to dilute the concentration of cancer-causing agents in the urine and reduce the time they take to come in contact with the bladder lining 11) The human body needs a neutral Ph 7 range in order to function properly. Drinking enough water throughout the day helps maintain this balance. Given that dehydration, â€Å"the excessive loss of body fluid†can be a major source of aggravating one’s health, it seems obvious that drinking sufficient water is of utmost importance for a healthy lifestyle. Water determines the effective functioning of the body and a healthier body means a happier life! So, if you haven’t already, go to the nearest water cooler and pour yourself a large glass of water; repeat this practice eight times a day for best results!
Monday, November 25, 2019
Hochschilds King Leopolds Ghost
Hochschilds King Leopolds Ghost Introduction The book narrates the happenings of Congo in the 1890s during the reign of King Leopold II. He II was the ruler of the Congo Free State and during his time, more than half of the total population died because of the injustices caused by his government. The book provides a vivid account of what took place in the 23 years of Leopold’s reign. It informs the reader of the various crimes perpetuated by Leopold by referring to the African and European histories of the same period (Hochschild).Advertising We will write a custom book review sample on Hochschild’s King Leopold’s Ghost specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Book Review King Leopold II managed to put Congo under the colonial empire of Belgium through a process that was full of mischief and sleaze. Throughout the book, we see Leopold’s action depicting his thoughts of entitlement to the fate of the people, such that he treats them like his perso nal possessions, sometimes valueless. Although Congo was a colony of Belgium, King Leopold II acted with impunity concerning the resources of the state. He forced many Africans, in Congo, to work as slaves as he amassed resources from the colony, for personal gains. These included minerals and rubber. Other than vilifying the protagonist, the book also depicts Leopold as very smart. To cover his ill doings, he pretended to be the ally of one European power and used that as a defense against his accusers, who were other European countries. After sometime, he would change allies and play them against each other again. Back in the colony, Leopold used fear to put his subjects in line. For example, he allowed the cutting of hands, from people who disobeyed his rules, to serve as an example to the rest of his subjects. Within the book, the reader learns of a few individuals, who held various interests against King Leopold II. There is Edmund Dere Morel who told the world about the wrong things, done by Leopold. A black journalist named George Washington Williams decided to write an open letter to the king to express his disagreement with the type of leadership and the crimes against humanity perpetuated by the king’s government. Others like Casement did not confront Leopold directly but decided to inform his home country of the crimes, by sending numerous letters. While on one hand the resistance was informing the rest of the world of Leopold’s crimes, the king worked towards concealing his atrocities from everyone by exactly making the state records turn to ash. In his final remark of release, Leopold said that he was not intimidated with the act of handing over the colony; however, he clarified that none of his actions would get into history books. To provide a vivid account of the atrocities of Leopold, the writer relies on other witnesses who published various materials, which give, details of most of the events portrayed in the book.Advertising Looking for book review on american literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The author only gives a single version of the whole story, emphasizing on the depiction of the need for righteous actions by focusing on Leopold. The book starts with a commerce scene that, except for the manner of trade, would pass as an otherwise ethical business. Here, the reader learns of slave labor, which sets pace for the other atrocities exposed by Hochshchild (Hochschild 1-11). Within the introduction, the author’s imagination creates the preliminary understanding of the colony and its dealings in the reader’s mind. It resonates with the actions and intentions of the few individuals like Morel who receive the illustration of being resistant to the rule of Leopold (Hochschild). In part one, the author gives a contextual history of the relation between European countries and Africa. There are missionaries and explorers moving from northern parts of Africa into the hinterland and setting up colonies. Here, the various traditions and organizations of Africans appear as observed by the various settlers from Europe mentioned in the book. Likewise, Africans also show their opposite observations of Europeans. At this stage, it appears that Africa is learning the ways of the new settlers, while the settlers figure out their newly found land and its people (Hochschild 1-56). In subsequent chapters of the book, the author gives the first person’s narration of events using protagonists and combines their account with reviews from additional sources such as published works of other authors. Hochschild concentrates more on showing how eventually, the efforts of those opposing Leopold succeed (Hochschild 211-240). The reader receives a thorough account of Morel, his business and his way of persuading various people and institutions concerned with the affairs of Congo. Thus although the book is about Le opold, readers learn his story through the works of protestors to his rule who worked tirelessly in ensuring that information left the Congo to find ears across the world, especially Europe. The information traveled in various literary forms such as letters, poems, stories, witness account, sermons and conversations. Conclusion Finally, Hochschild uses external references, such as the Royal Museum of Central Africa, to show evidence of the various forms of European influences that took place in Congo during the period of study. He shows the irony of Europeans fighting off the slavery of other nations while encouraging slaves in Central Africa (Hochschild 292–293). The book succeeds is giving the reader a correct picture of Congo during the rule of Kind Leopold II.Advertising We will write a custom book review sample on Hochschild’s King Leopold’s Ghost specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Hochschild, Adam. King Leop old’s Ghost: A Story of Greed, Terror, and Heroism in Colonial Africa. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin, 1998.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Social policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 2
Social policy - Essay Example The activities of discrimination by the social workers towards the travellers fall under the category of institutional discrimination. In order to prevent the undesired activities of discrimination that has led to the increase of harassment and distress in the course of livelihood of the travellers, the social policy on the adoption of anti-discriminatory practices have been formulated. The social policy has influenced changes in the approach of the social workers that have prompted them to undertake activities that advocated the rights of the travellers to attain equal access to public resources. The National Association of Social Workers is the largest body of association of professional worker that was founded in the year of 1955. The international organization for social work consists of around 130000 workers belonging to various communities of United States and other parts of the world. The social workers have the mission of promoting the best practices in the field of social work by engaging deeply with the individuals and their families living in the communities and understanding their needs and areas of deprivation (Acton, 2007, p.62). The purpose of the social workers is directed at protecting the best interest of the communities and its individual members and families through dedicated activities and advocating the cause of protection of the community members in the areas in which they lack. The activities of the social workers are guided by their objectives of continuously working to improve the living conditions of the members and the families in the society (Adam son and Donovan, 2005, p.38). This has been achieved through the application of professional knowledge and skills necessary for offering better social services to the communities. The National Association of Social Workers also desires to increase the professional knowledge and skills through the process of field
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
What the Community Says Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
What the Community Says - Assignment Example In the research paper, there is no clearly stated aim, but there is an explanation of public relevance of the strategy. The title of the research paper shows that health promotion is a strategy through which quality of health can be improved. It has a section that describes how health promotion is achieved. This is through an international network. A database was formed to assess health promotion activities. This shows the method used to get data, but it has no clearly defined aim, data collection and data analysis method. The research paper has the following as findings: that the health promotion projects are strongly oriented to the staff and patients, but do not address underlying cultural and structural problems (Groene & Jorgensen, 2005). This research paper has no clearly stated aim, methodology, design, and data collection and analysis method. It has however described the importance of the research findings to the community and the health care industry, and has described its findings. It is through the findings that the aim of the research can be obtained. The methodology, data collection and data analysis methods used can only be obtained by reading through specific topics within it. It should have described all these appropriately. The research topic shows that it is dealing with hospitals and not individuals requiring some ethical approval. It has however, not stated this (Groene & Jorgensen,
Monday, November 18, 2019
Business Management Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Business Management - Case Study Example Over time, our activities will be decentralized to enable our services be enjoyed by potential patrons in the outskirts of the capital city. Internet service is woefully inadequate in Ghana, besides, in places where it does exist, it is still at its infancy. In view of the technological wind currently blowing across the world, the people of Ghana should not be left off this experience. It is based on this realization that XZYZ Inc can capture the enormous business potential on the domestic market. It is against this background that the primary focus of the company will be to offer high standard internet service that will be defined by speed and reliable connectivity. By so doing, we will be progressively headed towards becoming the main entryway for data communication by offering ground-breaking products, at affordable prices, and above all with the highest levels of customer service. At the core of the success of every business entity is the strategic role planning plays in the overall operational agenda. Therefore in collaboration with the top management hierarchy of the company, the goals of the company will be identified and streamlined along the conventional managerial standards ( Javashree 2008). Cardinal to the pla Cardinal to the planning policy is the ability to strike a compromising balance between what our goals (as stated in the opening part of the manual) are measured against the resources available to the firm. As part of the policy, the regulatory framework that will be used to determine all aspects of our operations right from financing, legalization, marketing down to customer service will be spelt out. In many ways our plan will be constructed on short term, medium term and long term basis that will factor in an appreciable level of flexibility to accommodate any unforeseen changes in the industry as we progress. Mohr & Puck (2006), has advocated for the establishment of a self-regulatory check and balances scheme into the plans of every business entity in order to avoid needless pertinent misrepresentation of roles and responsibilities. Organizational Structure XYZ Inc will be structured in a manner that will reflect our overall goals. The quality and caliber of staff to be hired will also be carried out along these same lines. In the broader sense, XYZ Inc will be operating on the principles of contemporary managerial structures, which includes among other things, the top management level; middle level management; and first level management (Javashee 2008). A team of highly skilled personalities will constitute the top management level. It will be complemented by the hiring of highly skilled individuals who possess valuable technical know-how in information technology and in their respective professional backgrounds. This is the category that will be heading the various departments such as finance and accounting, marketing, plant management and what have you. It is expected that taking cognizance of the huge human capital base of Ghana, attracting and hiring the right professional experts will not pose
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Comparisons Between Malaysia And United Kingdom Cultural Studies Essay
Comparisons Between Malaysia And United Kingdom Cultural Studies Essay Food is a necessity. Everyone needs energy from the food to support their body. Human taste buds are divided into five categories, which is sweet, sour, bitter, salty and umami. Umami is a taste bud that discovered by the Japanese. It is a taste bud for meat. Umami may not be famous in Western country but it is very famous in Asia country. Every country may have different taste of food because the spices used in every country are different. Culture of a country is one of the factors that affect the food presentation. Food presentation is very important. If the food looks nice, it can increase your appetite. Cooking technique is also known as culinary arts. Cooking technique and tools will affect the texture of the food. Different country will like different texture of food. The texture of food will affect the appeal of eating it. Therefore, food from different country will have different taste, presentation, and texture. 2.1.1 Breakfast Breakfast is consumed in the morning. It is the first meal of the day. Usually people will take more carbohydrate for breakfast because we need a lot of energy to go through the day. In Malaysia, most of the people will take nasi lemak and teh tarik as breakfast. Nasi lemak is one of the signature dishes in Malaysia. However in United Kingdom, people will take fried egg, sausage, toast, bacon, baked bean, and orange juice as breakfast. It is also known as British breakfast or English breakfast. The English breakfast is now one of the most popular breakfasts in many countries. 2.1.2 Dinner Dinner is consumed at night. It is the third meal and mail meal of the day. Dinner also consider as the largest meal of the day. In Malaysia, nasi campur (Malay mixed rice) is a very popular food for dinner. Nasi campur is a dish of rice topped with various types of side dishes. People love it because there is lots of choice for the side dishes. The price of nasi campur is reasonable yet delicious. Therefore, many people take nasi campur for their dinner. While in United Kingdom, fish and chips is the signature dish. It is a dish that originated in the United Kingdom in 1863. Fish and chips is still now the most well-known and favourite dinner at all times. This is the food in Malaysia and United Kingdom and we can see that the food in United Kingdom is very different from Malaysia. Hence, the food has its own uniqueness and cannot be compared. Everyone will love eating the food no matter where are you from. 2.3 Language Language is a tool that enables people to communicate with each other, understand what people are trying to say and interact with each other. It is very important because it helps people communicate with each other in this world although languages have different dialects. Language also important for a people to survive, without language we could not understand each other. There are so many languages in the world such as English, Mandarin, Bahasa Melayu, Spanish, Latina and Italiano. 2.3.1 English English is an official language, which means almost all the country in the world understand English. There are so many countries are using English to communicate such as Australia, United Kingdom, United Stated and Pakistan. Most of the country used English in official business, government and legal contract, there are about 375 million people speak in English. In Malaysia, English has been combined with other languages due to different religion and culture. The most common language speaks in our country is Manglish. Manglish is a combination of English and Bahasa Melayu. The pronunciation and essence is different from British English. Malaysian speaks English has their own slang, for example, `dont want lah, ` nah, take this. Although Malaysian speaks Manglish, they are still writing and spelling using British English. Therefore, Manglish is only understandable in our country Malaysia. In United Kingdom, modern English is used to communicate. Modern English is an international language, and it can be understand by everyone in the world. The pronunciation and essence of modern English is more correctly. Modern English do not have the suffix such as lah and loh. Besides that, people usually speak modern English instead of other languages to deal with the international business. 2.3.2 Mandarin Mandarin is the most popular language in the world. Mandarin is originally spoken by Chinese and most of them are come from China, Beijing Every country has developed their own dialects, but it still understandable by people from other regions. Mandarin is spoken in many countries such as Macau, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Malaysia. Nowadays, mandarin is the main language of government, education and media in China. There are 870 million people who speak in Mandarin. In Asia, China is the most powerful country; hence, people will look for the business opportunity at there. In this case, it will also cause so many people to speak in Mandarin. In Malaysia, people speak mandarin with different pronunciation because they are influenced by many dialects such as Hokkien, Hakka and Hainan. The reason is because Malaysia has different culture and religion. There are much more people speaks mandarin compare to United Kingdom as the population of Chinese in Malaysia is bigger. In United Kingdom, most of the people speak in English instead of mandarin. This is because Chinese population in United Kingdom is few. Language is a tool for people to communicate and to understand other people better. Therefore, there will be less argument in the world. 2.5 Culture Culture is a natural process for identity of a human being which can learn from their families and friends. It is also a learning process of behavior and ways of people living in their life. Then, culture is a complex tool that every people need to learn to survive in a society and through interact with others in the world. Culture developed by many reasons such as faith, beliefs, practices, way to live, economy, intelligence, language and food habits. Culture is important for the existence of a society, because it unites people together. Therefore it is also vital to establish discipline and an order in a society. Culture enables people share a specific language, behavior, beliefs and traditions and gives people an identity which makes them special and unique. Different country has different culture as they have gone through many circumstances and experiences. Hence, this circumstances and experiences will affect the culture of a country. 2.5.1 Festival A festival is a period of time which is set in the calendar for feasting and celebration. It is also means an event which is celebrated by a society for a memorable day or some unique aspect of the community. Festival is important because it reminds important events. Every festival has different significant and useful meaning. It also encourages people not to forget their culture by celebrating the festival. By celebrating festivals, we can release stress from a hectic work, spend more time with family and friends, and carrying the message of the past generations to the future. In addition, we can also enjoy the traditional food when we are celebrating the festival. The festival which is celebrated in Malaysia is Hari Gawai and Wesak Day. Hari Gawai is a festival which is celebrated by the communities in Sarawak. This festival is for religious and social occasion, thanks giving day and a season for new farming. Gawai is also an occasion for fun and parties. Besides that, Wesak day is celebrated by Buddhist, it is a birthday of Buddha. People usually go for bathing the Buddhas ceremony. The water is poured over the shoulder of Buddha. They belief it can purify the mind of evil. While in United Kingdom, the festival such as Easter season is celebrated by the Christian. At the Easter time, usually have two public holidays, Good Friday and Easter Monday. Easter is the time for festivals, holidays and a time for giving chocolate Easter eggs. This festival is the oldest Christian festival, the celebration of the death and coming to life of Jesus Christ. On the day of the festival, parents usually bring children to community Easter-egg hunt. During the festival, Easter egg and chocolate are given as a gift. 2.5.2 Religion Religion is a strong belief in gods. The moral rules in religion can help to build good civilizations. People who believe in religion will think wisely before doing a decision. It also encourages people to help others such as needy. Religion has gives us hope and eases the pain when we faces any problems. In this case, it also teaches us to become superior and not afraid of everything. Religion can be spread from a country to another through colonization, marriages between two different races and friends. In our country Malaysia, there are three main religions which is Islam for Malays, Buddhist for Chinese and Hindu for India. The major religion in our country is Islam, because the population of Malays in Malaysia is the biggest. There is 60.4% of the people in Malaysia are Islam. Islam belief in gods which is called `Allah and the identity of helper is known as `Muhammad. The main holy book that Islam belief is Quran and the original languages is Arabic. Apart from that, the practice of Islam is they pray at mosque every Friday. Besides that, the religions in United Kingdom are Christian, Islam, Hindu, Jediism and Buddhism. While the major religion in United Kingdom is Christian, this can be proven as there is 71.6% of the people in United Kingdom are Christian. Christian belief in the trinity, they are three person in one Godhead; father, son and holy spirit. Then the helper of Christian is called Holy Spirit and main holy book is bible. The original language is Greek. Other than t hat, the practices of Christian are they do their praying in church every Saturday or Sunday. Culture is something that very interesting. It is part of our identity. Therefore, our life will be completed with culture. 2.6 History History is something that has past. It is a study or a subject for us to remember the human past. History also provides human nature and human civilization. It is important for us to study history because we can always learn from the mistake or something good from the past. We must make sure that we will never repeat the same mistake again and again. History has made us who we are today. It is part of our identity because it tells us the place that we came from and how we develop and become today. Besides, history made us improve so that our society will become better and better. 2.6.1 Monument Monument is a structure to remember a person or an important event which is important to our society todays to remembrance the past event. It is a beautiful or amazing structure. It is used to increase the appearance of the location. Therefore, the place has become a tourist area. In Malaysia, we have National Mosque (Masjid Negara). Malaysia gained its independence on the 31st August 1957. The National Mosque is a symbol to remember the independence of Malaysia. While in United Kingdom, Edinburgh Castle is one of the most famous monuments. There are many conflicts happen in this castle. It is the oldest surviving building in Edinburgh. 2.6.2 Monarchy Monarchy is the leader or ruler of a country. A monarchy has unlimited political power. They are the head of the country. It is a person that can always make todays a history. They have power to make a lot of decision for the country and people. They are a very influential person. In Malaysia, we have Yang di-Pertuan Agong XIII Al-Wathiqu Billah Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin Ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Mahmud Al-Muktafi Billah Shah. He is the king of Malaysia. Only male can be a ruler in Malaysia. However, the ruler in United Kingdom is a female. She is Queen Elizabeth. The queen of United Kingdom. Therefore, the biggest different between United Kingdom and Malaysia is the gender of the ruler is different. Our life will be incomplete without the history. Therefore, history is definitely an important subject to us. 2.7 People People are referring to the citizen of the country. Each country will have people with different characteristics because there are receiving different types of education. Therefore, their point of view will be different. This will affect the personalities of a person. Besides, their interest, opinion, activities and attitude of living will be different because they are influence by the culture of the country. The government also plays an important role toward the behavior of the people. How the government works will affect the decision making of a person. Therefore, the people is different from other country is based on many reason. People between these two countries can be different from the population and races. 2.7.1 Population Population is referring to the number of people living in a country. The population in worldwide is about 6,697,254,041 people. The population in worldwide is increasing every year. The country with the largest population in worldwide is China with the percentage of 19.5 % of world population. In Malaysia, the population is estimated to be 28.96 million. It is about 0.4324 % of world population. While in United Kingdom, the population is estimated to be 61.8 million. It is about 0.9228 % of world population. There are huge amount of different in population between this two countries. The population United Kingdom is estimated to be 46.86 % more than the population in Malaysia. 2.7.2 Races Race is to classified human into group based on their languages, culture, belief, and social practices. In Malaysia, we have three main races. It is Malays, Chinese and Indians. Malays are the ethnic majority in Malaysia and they compose the largest population. The Malays are all Muslim. There are originated from Palembang in Sumatra. Most of the Chinese steps into Malaysia in the 18th century and most of them are from Fujian and Guangdong in China. It is the second largest race in Malaysia. The third largest race is Indian. Most of the Indian located at Kuala Lumpur. There are originate from Southern India and most of them are Hinduism. While in United Kingdom, most of them are white. They are 91.3 % of the total population in United Kingdom. South Asian is the second largest ethnic group which makes up of 4.4 % of the population in United Kingdom and followed by the Black people with 2.2 %. The population of Black and Asian people in United Kingdom is growing and for the first time that the population of Black and Asian is more than the White in certain area. We should accept and treat everyone the same. We should not be bias by the race of the people. 3.0 Conclusion Malaysia is very different from United Kingdom. The differences between these two countries are food, transport, language, weather, culture, history, and people. The technology and the traffic system in United Kingdom are far greater than Malaysia. However, Malaysia has many kinds of languages and interesting culture that we cannot find in United Kingdom. Every country has it own uniqueness. Therefore, we could not make a judgement that which country is better. Travelling to United Kingdom we can learn and gain knowledge to improve our home country. We should open our eyes and mind set to accept new things. There are a lot of are food, transport, language, weather, culture, history, and people waiting for us to explore. Hence, travel is the best way of doing it. However, many people may think that United Kingdom is better than Malaysia. But whatever the difference that is, we still love our home country, and will never think of leaving it. Besides, we love everything in Malaysia. For example, the food in Malaysia, the transport we use, the language we speak, the hot weather, the interesting culture and history and the people in Malaysia. It is the things that familiar with us. Malaysia will always be the roots in our hearts.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
absolut Failure Essay -- essays research papers fc
The 1920’s was a time of major social change in the United States. The social changes during this period are reflected in the laws and regulations that were implemented. One of the most prominent examples of this was prohibition. The 18th Amendment to the Constitution, or the Volsted act as it is also know, was implemented to eliminate the use of alcohol in the United States. In doing this, the advocates of prohibition hoped to also eradicate the social problems associated with alcohol. â€Å"It was an attempt to promote Protestant middle-class culture as a means of imposing order on a disorderly world†(Dumenil 226). However, this goal of keeping social order through not consuming alcohol, was not reached during the years of prohibition, or even the years following it. Alcohol use among Americans did decline, but it was not totally eliminated, and some of the social problems were even greater then before prohibition. Therefore prohibition was not successful in its origi nal purpose. To best understand the reasons behind the failure of prohibition, we have to look at the years before, during, and after prohibition. This will give context to the implementation of the 18th Amendment, as well as show the trends of Americans’ alcohol use and the effects of alcohol on American society. The early 1900’s were a time of great prosperity in the United States. America was thriving economically, and big cities were booming. However, some Americans thought that this was not a good thing, because of the social problems that came with the urban culture. The â€Å"Dry’s†, as Prohibitionists were referred to, saw large cities as providing people with readily available alcohol. This in turn led to an increase in crime, poverty and immorality. During the period of 1911-1915 the average per-capita consumption of alcohol of each American was 2.56 gallons (Kyvig 24). The solution that was proposed was a national prohibition of alcohol. The goal of this was to eliminate drinking in America thus reducing all of the problems associated with it. â€Å"The Prohibitionists thought that the sale of liquor was a social crime, that the drinking of liquor was a racial crime, and that the results of liquor were criminal actions†(Sinclair 220). By making alcohol il legal nationally, such as it would be with prohibition, the social problems of America would be fixed. On January 16, 1920 alcohol became i..., it added to the problems it was intended to solve†(Thornton). We can see that prohibition did reduce the amount of alcohol consumed in the United States, but alcohol use was not altogether eliminated. The social problems that were hoped to be addressed were not solved either. The great experiment that was prohibition did not accomplish its goals of solving the social problems of America and eliminating alcohol consumption. But it will always be remembered for causing Americans to reflect on the effects of alcohol on society. Bibliography 1. Bowen, Ezera. This Fabulous Century. 6 vol. New York: Time Life Books, 1969. 2. Dumenil, Lynn. Modern Temper: American culture and society in the 1920’s. New York: Hill and Wang, 1995. 3. Fisher, Irving. Prohibition at its worst. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1926 4. Kyvig, David E. Repealing National Prohibition. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1979. 5. Lee, Henry. How Dry We Were: Prohibition revisited. New Jersey: Prentice Hall Inc, 1963. 6. Sinclair, Andrew. Prohibition: The Era of Excess. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1962. 7. Thornton, Mark.
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