Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Poem Response Essay - 752 Words
In just one paper, I am going to go from two inspirational poems, to a more depressing one. The inspirational poem I will be responding to is â€Å"The Tyger†, written by William Blake. This piece is by far one of my favorite poems read. I read it often just to remind me not to wimp around with my lifting and my getting bigger, just like the song by Survivor, â€Å"Eye of the Tiger†, does for me. It keeps in mind what it’s going to take to do this. The second piece of inspiration I like is, â€Å"I will put Chaos into fourteen lines†, by Edna St. Vincent Millay. On a depressing side of things, I am then moving on to a more disheartening type of poem. This poem is â€Å"Facing It†, by Yusef Komunyakaa. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;In â€Å"The Tyger†, by Blake, I†¦show more content†¦nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The second poem that I found inspirational to me was â€Å"I will put Chaos into fourteen lines†, by Millay. The author tries to describe how to attempt to hold chaos back. Through this poem, she describes chaos as a male type of thing by constantly referring to chaos using he, his, and him. She shows chaos’s many features, such as its â€Å"adroit designs†, amorphous shapes, and it’s arrogance. I don’t like how the author tries to contain chaos, because really it could never happen. Chaos is something that once released or started, is a very hard thing to get put down or stopped. I know that this is under the title of the poem, that she is putting chaos into the fourteen lines, but I still don’t like how it’s written. I think the poem should be more uncontrolled, and having the chaos breaking out of the poem in the e nd. Saying that she maybe thought she could contain it, but then realized she couldn’t. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;I like the line of â€Å"Past are the hours, the years, or our duress†for the fact it’s talking about how chaos takes so long to take care of. When I enter the weight room, I want to go in with the mindset of complete chaos, and that I’m going to cause chaos and treat the weights in a way that if they would happen to be human, they wouldn’t want to Crilow 3 be treated. Along with â€Å"The Tyger†, these both contain things that I like to go in to lift with the mindset of to cause fear andShow MoreRelatedIn an Essay Explain What Insights Are Offered Through an Examination of the Concept of Identity. Your Response Should Include a Detailed Analysis of Three Core Poems and at Least One Related Text.1140 Words  | 5 PagesBruce Dawe represents the identity of two very different types of people in his poems Homo Suburbiensis and Drifters where he represents the identity of his subjects through more of a specific description of a certain set of people and not any person in particular in an informative tone , while Dorothea Mackellar focuses more on her own identity in her poem, My country, aiming for a passionate tone. 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